Monday, October 31, 2011


In 2002, I found myself working for a very strange little consulting firm.  My job was training people  how to market their products and services on the Web.  The guy who worked with me on this project was named Akhil and for reasons that made sense to no one in particular, the company would send us to various places around the country to train our clients.  I say that it was nonsensical because they always provided us with an expense account.  Silly bastards.

In October of that year, they shipped the two of us off to Chicago for a week.  I’d like to say that we were responsible some kind of major incident while we were there, but we simply had too much work to do to be that creative.  We did go out at night though and one evening we made our way to the Green Mill.  I had prevailed upon Akhil to visit the place, as it was arguably the oldest jazz club in the USA and by default (given that jazz was born in this country), the entire world.  I didn’t care who was playing there that night.  I just wanted to be in the room.

But we got lucky.  Fareed Haque was on the tiny bandstand and while we only came in for one round, we stayed until closing.  Why?  Well, click on the links below and you’ll see and hear why!

1 comment:

  1. Peter - you bombed me with a Fareed Haque show back in early 2004. Until then I never heard him. Blew me away when I first played it. Outstanding guitarist. The gigs on the LMA from the Green Mill, August 2005 are some of my most listened too shows.
